What do you want for Father’s Day?


This week children of all ages will be wandering the aisles of home improvement and sporting goods stores trying to figure out what to get for their dads for Father’s Day. A necktie? Aftershave? Maybe a new fishing pole?

As it turns out, the most important thing come Sunday won’t be the present – it’ll be your presence.

According to our highly unscientific Facebook survey of area fathers, what dads are looking forward to the most this Father’s Day is a little time with their kids. And if that time is spent in the general vicinity of a new grill or a fat steak, all the better.

Keep an eye out for future questions by liking and following our page on Facebook: @jcnewsandneighbor

Jerry “Dusty” Sayers

Jerry “Dusty” Sayers
“Dr. Enuf. Otherwise, I have so much stuff, the less I get on a holiday, the happier I am.”

David McAvoy

David McAvoy
“A trip somewhere with my kids. Time over material any day.”

Matt Keller

Matt Keller
“Three healthy kids and a happy wife!”

Chris McIntosh

Chris McIntosh
“I want to be somewhere in a boat with my sons, fishing pole in hand!”

Rick Simons

Rick Simons
“I can look around my office and see several fantastic gifts my wife has coordinated with the kids for Father’s Day in the past, but as my friend Tony once said, “No amount of money ever bought a second of time.” For Father’s Day, I like a day where I don’t do any household chores, do something fun with the fam, and get told I’m great a few times. And maybe a steak.”


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