Solar eclipse in the park at Sycamore Shoals

ISO certified solar viewing glasses will be available in the park gift shop.

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, our area will be treated to a partial solar eclipse as the moon passes between earth and the sun blocking out a portion of the solar disc. Although this is not a total eclipse, those in our area will still experience an eclipse magnitude of 54%.

Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park will be hosting several activities geared around the eclipse. Attendees will learn the difference between a total and an annular solar eclipse. Hear how the 18th century Native people and early settlers regarded eclipses and learn about Sycamore Shoals State Park’s unique connection with the moon.

ISO certified solar viewing glasses are available in the park gift shop for only $2.95 each. There will be other ways in which you can safely view the eclipse. For an up-close view you can take a peek through the telescope which will be set up on the park grounds. Also, supplies will be provided to make a simple pinhole solar projector. You should never look at the sun without proper eye protection.

At Sycamore Shoals the eclipse will begin at 11:47 AM. The maximum coverage point, where the eclipse magnitude will be at 54%, will occur at 1:12 PM, and the eclipse will end at 2:41 PM. The event is free and is a great opportunity for your family to come to one of Tennessee’s most historic places to witness a historic and rare event.

Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park is located at 1651 West Elk Ave. in Elizabethton, TN. More information is available here. You may also call the park at 423-543-5808.

For more on the eclipse in general, and for tips on how to safely view an eclipse, please click here.


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