Torrential rain on Saturday followed by a blast of cold air didn’t keep youngsters from celebrating an extended Halloween weekend.
The Mall at Johnson City was filled to the brim on Saturday for the annual trick-or-treating event, which allowed families a warm, dry place to gather candy and compete in costume contests while the rain fell in sheets outside. The event, which enjoyed an unusually large turnout, also featured pumpkin decorating and photo ops.
Sunday brought snow flurries and a stiff Artic breeze, which wasn’t enough to dissuade kids from attending a number of trunk-or-treat events that took place around the region. Several area churches and other organizations distributed candy throughout the day.
By the time the main event rolled around Tuesday night, the conditions seemed downright balmy as trick-or-treaters took neighborhood streets in search of candy.

Lydie and Channing Webb with their Gumball Machine pumpkin, which won second place in the Lake Ridge contest.

A pair of trick-or-treaters decorate a pumpkin during Saturday’s Halloween event at the Mall at Johnson City.

Ben Casson shows off his Harry Potter costume during a trunk-or-treat event at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday.