Last week Rep. Phil Roe introduced a resolution to name the post office located at 530 E. Main Street in Johnson City in honor of Major Homer L. Pease.
“Major Homer Pease was a true hero, and his tireless service embodied everything it means to be a patriot,” Roe said in a statement. “It is an honor to introduce legislation to name the post office in his hometown of Johnson City after him, and I thank the entire Tennessee delegation for joining me in this effort.”
A native of Johnson City, Tennessee, Major Homer L. Pease is lauded for his service to the United States during World War II and the Vietnam War. In 1942, Homer Pease enlisted at the age of 13 and was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division where he volunteered as a paratrooper.
Pease joined his fellow servicemen in Normandy, France, on June 6, 1944 and continued to support the Allied Soldiers until he was wounded. His valor was recognized by the presentation of a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. Upon recovery, he rejoined his unit at Bertesgarten, Germany, where he was again wounded and received his second Purple Heart at the age of 15.
Following his second injury, Pease was sent home to Johnson City where he attended Science Hill High School and graduated in 1950. Pease served in the National Guard for over a decade after his high school graduation, ultimately returning to active military duty. After initially being stationed in Radcliff, Kentucky, his unit, the 37th Armored Regiment, was relocated to Schweinfurt, Germany, in 1961.
When his enlistment concluded in 1965, he volunteered and was accepted by the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam. As part of his duties, he became a U.S. Army Ranger at the age of 36. Homer Pease arrived in Vietnam on March 14, 1966, where he advised and co-led the Army Republic of Vietnam Regiment.
On November 19, 1966, at Ba Tri Kien Hoa Province, South Vietnam, Pease fell on the battlefield. For the bravery he displayed, he was awarded the Silver Star and received a promotion to Major.