The Rocky Mount State Historic Site in Piney Flats is celebrating Tennessee’s 225th birthday with its annual Timeline and Heritage Festival on June 12 and 13. Come visit the home that hosted Tennessee’s first frontiersmen and women and learn about the traditions dating from the Revolutionary War to current times.
Rocky Mount State Historic Site will host one of the largest historical events spanning from the Revolutionary Wars to current times. Join groups of historic reenactors for a two-day event as they gather together across our landscape to share their knowledge and educate the public.
Come experience hundreds of Living History reenactors and displays, live military demonstrations, cannon firings, the region’s music from throughout the decades, blacksmith forging, sheep wool processing, a historical church service, and children’s entertainment. During the event, Rocky Mount will host tours of the historic homestead and museum. Bring a picnic to enjoy on our grounds or visit the food trucks that will be set up throughout the day.
To purchase your tickets in advance please visit our website, rockymountmuseum.com/timeline.
Rocky Mount is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. The Rocky Mount Historical Association operates the site under a contract with the Tennessee Historical Commission. For more information, please call 423.538.7396 or email info@rockymountmuseum.com. Find us on Facebook at faceboook.com/rockymountmuseum and @RockyMount TN on Twitter and Instagram.