At first blush, there was nothing out of the ordinary about the scene outside Jonesborough Elementary School last Friday evening.
A line of cars snaked behind the middle school and out onto Forest Drive, creating the typical traffic jam that occurs in the mornings and afternoons when students are being dropped off or picked up from the elementary school. But last Friday’s scene was another surreal reminder of how much things have changed over the past month.
Teachers were standing a safe distance apart, many dressed in bright colors and toting signs telling their students how much they love and miss them. And once the line of cars got rolling through the car line route, the students waved eagerly at their teachers. Some of them hung out of car windows or poked their heads up out of sunroofs. All of a sudden, school was the happening place to be on a Friday night.
All involved insisted last Friday’s event was not as much a “goodbye” as it was an “until we meet again.”
Photos by Dave Ongie