Last Saturday, a ceremony was held on the campus of Science Hill High School to welcome the inaugural class of honorees into the Johnson City Schools Hall of Fame.
While Science Hill has had an athletic hall of fame for a number of years, this new hall of fame is designed to honor the teachers, students, administrators, staff members and community contributors who have helped advance the cause of education in Johnson City. The inaugural class consisted of 20 members spanning the history of the city, ranging from LeRoy Reeves, who graduated in 1893, to Guy Mauldin, who retired at the conclusion of the 2018-19 school year.
Among the legacy honorees, those who either graduated or retired prior to 1970, were Jenny Brock, George Biddle, William Coleman Jr., Dr. Hezekaiah B. Hankal, LeRoy Reeves, William Rhea, Homer Pease and Steve Spurrier. Those who graduated between 1971 and 2000 made up the Tradition honorees – Paul Christman, Wyck Godfrey, Katheryn “Kat” Peeler, Callie Redd, Lottie Ryans and Rodney Sturtz.
Dr. John Boyd, George Carver, Evelyn Dugger, Guy Mauldin, Bonnie Sampson and Joan Lincoln Swingle made up the Modern honorees, those who retired or graduated after 2001.
Last Saturday’s ceremony took place in the Science Hill Auditorium, and a reception followed in the Grand Topper Hall.