ETSU Health will host COVID-19 vaccine clinics on Thursday, April 1; Saturday, April 3; Tuesday, April 6; and Thursday, April 8, by appointment only. These clinics are open to anyone age 18 and older, regardless of health condition.
The ETSU Health vaccine clinic will administer Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen COVID-19 vaccine, which only requires one shot. Appointments are available online atETSUHealth.org for April 1, 6, and April 8, from 3-7 p.m., and on April 3, from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
The vaccine clinics will be held in the ballroom at ETSU’s Millennium Center, located at 2001 Millennium Place. Patients with appointments may park on the third level or above in the parking garage adjacent to the Millennium Center and follow the signs to the ballroom.
“We are pleased to be receiving an additional supply of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to help vaccinate our community,” said Dr. Leigh Johnson, director of COVID-19 response at ETSU Health. “Our first clinic, held earlier in March, was a huge success. Now that eligibility for COVID vaccinations has expanded, we are excited to be able to offer it to a wider range of people. The only requirement for this clinic is that patients be at least 18 years old, as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has not been approved for anyone younger than 18.”
Faculty, students and staff from ETSU Health colleges, including Quillen College of Medicine, Bill Gatton College of Pharmacy, the College of Nursing and the College of Public Health, will be administering the vaccines and assisting with patient intake and registration.
To register for the ETSU Health vaccine clinic, visit ETSUHealth.org. Those without Internet access may call 423.439.EVAX (3829) to assist with scheduling. Patients with questions about the vaccine should contact their physician.