Dr. Brenda White Wright to be honored by Girl Scouts at Trefoil Society Luncheon

Dr. Brenda White Wright

The Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians will honor Dr. Brenda White Wright at the Trefoil Society Luncheon to be held at the Johnson City Country Club, 1901 E. Unaka Ave., on Thursday, October 19, at 11:30 a.m. Tickets are $25 and available for purchase at supportgirlscouts.org. Table and ticket reservations also may be made via email at philanthropy@girlscoutcsa.org or by phone at 800-474-1912, ext. 2007.

The Trefoil Society Luncheon is named after the trefoil-shaped pin Girl Scouts receive that symbolizes acceptance of ethical leadership values. The Trefoil Society provides financial support to Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians. Annual luncheons are held in each of the council’s three regions. Funds raised from this luncheon will benefit Girl Scout Community Troops in the Appalachian Highlands.  Community Troops are run by staff at no cost to the girls or their families.  These troops were established to reach girls who would not have been able to join Girl Scouts in the past.

“Each year, we honor a woman in each region of our council who exemplifies the spirit of Girl Scouting,” said Lynne Fugate, CEO of the Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians. “Dr. Brenda White Wright is an advocate for youth programs and has served the community in numerous roles. She is an excellent example for our Girl Scouts, and we are delighted for the opportunity to honor her at the Trefoil Society Luncheon.”

A former Girl Scout and Troop Leader in Kingsport, Dr. White Wright is a motivational speaker, storyteller, leadership and diversity trainer with over 40 years of experience in business management, board and organizational development, human resources, multicultural issues, race relations, youth initiatives, community relations, and resource development. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Communications, a Master’s Degree in Storytelling, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from East Tennessee State University (ETSU).  For over twenty years, she served as President and CEO of Girls Inc. of Kingsport, a United Way agency. In that capacity, she was named by The Business Journal as one of the region’s “Twenty-Five Powerful Female Executives.”  

She is a wife of 55 years, mother, and grandmother of three exceptional young adults.  

The Trefoil Society Luncheon Sponsor to date  is  Eastman Credit Union. Those wishing to honor Dr. Wright with a sponsorship may contact philanthropy@girlscoutcsa.org. All donation checks should be sent to Girl Scouts of the Southern Appalachians, Attn: Philanthropy, 1567 Downtown West Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37919.


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