Cadets representing Daniel Boone High School’s Marine JROTC program have been bringing home the hardware as of late. The cadets won a state air rifle championship and also took home several top honors during a recent drill meet.
On March 4, cadets of Daniel Boone High School earned their second straight state championship in the Tennessee State High School Three Position Air Rifle Championship in Nashville. The team of Olivia Lusk, Lois Hartley, Cole Keys, Bryce Ellis, and Jaylee Hamiliton rallied over dozens of schools from across the state. Lusk won first place overall in the competition.
News of this victory came Saturday, from the assistant match director Mrs. Joy Victoria of Montgomery Bell Academy. The team competed against nationally recognized schools in order to earn the top spot.
“This repeat of the State Championships marks the first time in school history that Boone has won back to back State Championships,” said Boone Master Gunnery Sergeant John W. Daniels.
On Saturday, Feb. 27, Boone’s JROTC cadets participated in the Volunteer High School Annual Drill Meet. The cadets of Boone’s JROTC were successful at sweeping the competition with first place trophies in the following categories: Armed Drill, Unarmed Drill, Color Guard, Academics, Physical Fitness, and overall.