The 2018 Citizen Survey found 85 percent of respondents gave a rating of excellent or good for overall quality of life in Johnson City. The results of the survey are on par with previous surveys conducted every two years since 2012; however, the most recent survey found residents giving higher ratings to public places where people like to spend time, their neighborhoods, and to the overall image of the city.
“The 2018 survey results confirm what we already know – Johnson City is a wonderful place to live,” said Budget Director Lora Young, who facilitates the survey in conjunction with the National Research Center (NRC). “More importantly, the data collected is used in planning projects and providing services to the public.”
Citizen responses indicated that safety within the city and the economy of the city were the two most important characteristics of the community. About eight in 10 residents gave excellent or good ratings to the overall quality of City services in Johnson City. The top rated services listed on the survey were related to safety, City parks and garbage collection with about nine in 10 residents offering positive marks.
The 2018 Citizen Survey asked respondents to prioritize City efforts for the next five years. About nine in 10 survey participants indicated that tax incentives for new business development and additional transportation improvements should be a priority for the City. When asked about their level of satisfaction with several efforts made by the City in the past two years, residents expressed the highest satisfaction levels for downtown improvements and recreational opportunities.
“These trends are a reflection of the City prioritizing citizen feedback from previous surveys to make needed improvements in City services,” Young said. “The citizen survey is a tool that allows us to measure our success and provide the best services possible.”
The survey was mailed to 2,000 randomly selected households in October, garnering a 25 percent survey response rate, which is on par with national rates. A supplemental online survey, identical in content to the mailed survey, was open to the City’s daytime population including individuals that work, study, shop, dine, or visit the city.
Complete results from the survey can be found at www.johnsoncitytn.org. For more information, please email citizensurvey@johnsoncitytn.org or call 423.434.6196.