Johnson City vice-mayor Jenny Brock and Herb Greenlee, supervisor of the Carver Recreation Center, receive a $200,000 check from representatives of the Recreation Services Division of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The money will go toward a new splash pad at Carver. PHOTO BY DAVE ONGIE
Representatives from the Recreation Services Division of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation were on hand to present a $200,000 check to Johnson City vice-mayor Jenny Brock, Carver Recreation director Herb Greenlee and other members of the city staff.
The splash pad is expected to cost $400,000. It will be completed with a $200,000 local match and the design is expected to be similar to the one at Rotary Park, which has proven to be very popular since its installation. The city will develop design specifications and put the project out for bid.
The new splash pad will compliment a new playground that was installed at Carver back in August. Carver Recreation Center, which is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year, was established in 1958. The 6-acre facility offers a full-size indoor gymnasium, weight room, library, teen room, community room, arts and crafts area, kitchen and meeting space.
Carver also provides the community with well-respected afterschool programming, a fitness trail, a garden, an outdoor pavilion and more. For more information about Carver, call 423.434.5815.