American Legion hosts Pearl Harbor ceremony

The grave of Kenneth Taft Lamons, a Johnson City native who gave his life during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

The Tri-Cities Military Affairs Council conducted a Pearl Harbor Remembrance ceremony at American Legion Post 24 in Johnson City on Sunday.

The events were held to remember the events of Dec. 7, 1941 when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and honor those who gave their lives on that day. It was announced on Sunday that Paul Edd Saylor, Johnson City’s only sailor Missing in Action during the attack on Pearl Harbor, has been accounted for thanks to a DNA sample supplied by one of his relatives, and his remains will soon be returned home after 79 years.

Kenneth Taft Lamons, the other Johnson City native who died on that day, was honored as a white rose, a United States Flag and a penny were placed on his grave at Monte Vista Memorial Park. Lamons, a sailor, is buried next to his father.


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