When you think of hands-on learning, you don’t always think about childcare. But Science Hill students in the Human Services cluster who take the Family Studies classwork with infants, toddlers and preschoolers in the Topper Tots program certainly do.
Recently, the Family Studies students were able to spend the day with Topper Tots as they celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday by reading his books and participating in developmentally appropriate lessons.
“My students created lessons based on the Dr. Seuss story that they chose,” Science Hill Family Studies teacher Heather Conner said. “We really enjoy our relationship with the Topper Tots because we expose high schoolers to a career field. Whether it is working in early childhood, social work, language development, they get to see a variety of ways that the things they learn can be applied in a real-world setting. Plus the little ones absolutely love their high school friends.”
For more information about the Family Studies class or any Career and Technical Education class, please visit jcschools.org/CTE.