Effective July 1, the City of Johnson City began holding a public comment period during each meeting of a city board and committee. Comments must pertain to actionable items on the agenda and, consistent with other public hearing guidelines, be limited to three minutes.
Each comment period will take place at the start of a meeting so that input is offered prior to action being taken. The period will be limited to 12 speakers, who will be determined based on order of receipt of request. Requestors who cannot be accommodated will be notified ahead of the meeting.
Meeting agendas can be accessed here. The public comment request form can also be found on the City’s website. Requests may also be made via phone to 423.434.6002.
Requests must be received at least 12 hours in advance of the meeting start time. Please note that the process to publicly comment on City ordinances will remain the same. One of each ordinance’s three readings (customarily the second) includes a public hearing; this process will not change.
City officials and administrators also appreciate input via email. Please send comments to publiccomment@johnsoncitytn.org.