Local women honored on Centenarian Day

From left, Abundant Christian Living Community residents Harriet Paduch, Velma Fritz, Sue Lavoie and Sarah Collier were honored on Centenarian Day. Photo by Dave Ongie
Yvonne Shelton with her client Ms. Moon, who celebrated her 100th birthday on Sept. 22.

Five local women at the Abundant Christian Living Community in Johnson City were honored on Centenarian Day last week.

The Century Club of Northeast Tennessee was on hand to present five residents with a certificate and a letter from Tennessee Governor Bill Lee. After a short ceremony, everyone celebrated with cake and punch.
Among those honored was Sarah Collier, who still walks two miles a day at 106 years of age. Harriet Paduch is fond of saying she’s well past celebrating birthdays, but she’s going to have a party anyway.

Velma Fritz remembers working for minimum wage when it was 35 cents and was involved in farming during World War II. Sue Lavoie’s advice is don’t be afraid to give, because it always comes back to you.

Violet Myers was unable to attend the event, but received her certificate and letter as well.


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