#1205 / 6.29.22
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• Kay Brewer, 83, Johnson City, 6/22/22• Winnie Gillespie Ledford, 82, Johnson City, 6/22/22• Joseph…
Members of the Jonesborough Little League Softball team became the first softball squad from Jonesborough…
4ThirTEEN advisory board members Nikyra Wilson, Marcina Hoyle, Emily Pieski, Julia Gilmore, Melyssah Toledo and…
Hoilman won the inaugural College Home Run Derby and went on to play two seasons…
Pam and Woody Johnson of Jonesborough are embarking on a journey to 12 different countries…
Carver Recreation Center Supervisor, Kenneth “Herb” Greenlee next to a sign that stands near the…
Download the 6.15.22 Edition
If you work as an editor at a news publication, you’re bound to get a…
The nest appeared before I noticed it being built. There it was, suddenly fully formed,…