With a few last-minute donations still to be counted, officials at Niswonger Children’s Hospital announced on Saturday that $386,000 had already been raised to help fund Child Life Services at the facility.
“Our Child Life Services team is truly the heart of our hospital,” said Lisa Carter, chief executive officer of Niswonger Children’s Hospital. “The child life specialists completely change the type of care that the children receive. They make children brave as they change the hospital from scary to a fun, safe place for healing and hope. Supporting them through the radiothon will truly make a difference to our patients and their families.”
In the days leading up to the Radiothon – which took place last Thursday and Friday – corporate sponsors lined up pledges while children donated their change in buckets located in area schools. The Radiothon was broadcast from the lobby of Niswonger Children’s Hospital and aired on Holston Valley Broadcasting’s family of radio stations while volunteers worked the phones.
As of Saturday, over 1,100 donors from 104 cities had made a donation to the children’s hospital. For more information on the Child Life Services, program, click here.