Alystaire Higgins of Cub Scout Pack 35, Den 22 in Johnson City had the honor of representing the Sequoyah Council of the Boy Scouts of America in Nashville, where he delivered the Report to the State at the General Assembly on Monday, Feb. 24.
A Report to the State is an opportunity to reach out and communicate to Tennessee state officials the service and the benefits that Scouting provides in Tennessee. Service is one of Scouting’s great legacies, and a chief reason that the Boy Scouts of America is one of the world’s oldest youth organizations.

Tennessee has six individual councils from East to West with a total of 46,124 members. Alystaire was one of six scouts across the state selected to represent his council and read the report on both the House of Representatives and Senate floors.
Along with an exclusive tour of the Capitol building in Nashville, Alystaire had the honor of meeting with Senator Rusty Crowe and Representative David Hawk. He is grateful to Mr. Greg Leitch, Mr. Mike Farmer, Mr. Terry Dillinger and the entire Sequoyah Council for allowing him the opportunity and the tremendous privilege to represent the eastern part of the state and Boys Scouts of America.
Alystaire is the son of Michael Higgins and Cindy Odom-Higgins. He is the grandson of Buddy and Barbara Odom all of Unicoi.