The Johnson City News & Neighbor celebrated its 23rd anniversary April 12th under circumstances never before seen in recent history. Even with the business challenges through this current medical crisis, it is with profound thanks to our readers and advertisers who have made the anniversary possible.
As The News & Neighbor begins its 24th year of publishing the good news of our coverage area, it remains the only locally owned major media serving Johnson City and Washington County.
The newspaper has the distinct recognition of having the fifth largest audited home delivery in Tennessee with only Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville and Chattanooga having slightly more. The News & Neighbor also has the largest home delivery of any daily or weekly newspaper between Knoxville and Roanoke, VA. Those numbers give local and national advertisers the best possible market penetration.
Along with hundreds of local, regional and national awards that adorn office walls the paper also proudly displays six general excellence awards including a runner-up spot to a community newspaper in Phoenix, AZ with households averaging million dollar income levels. Four Tennessee Senate proclamations have also been presented for excellence in local news coverage, all earned by an exceptional staff of reporters, graphic designers, and advertising personnel.
The newspaper’s circulation and readership have continuously been audited since 2002 supporting its 30,400 home delivery in the market. That figure is nearly 72% more coverage than any other local print media.
Regular readership percentages each audit period show News & Neighbor in the top 25% of community newspapers in America. According to the Circulation Verification Council President Tim Bingaman, “The Johnson City News & Neighbor’s readership is astronomical.”