East Tennessee State University’s Department of Biological Sciences is beginning EagleCam’s livestreaming of the 2016-2017 nesting season at eagles’ nest sites in Johnson City and Bluff City.
The Johnson City cameras are now live and the Bluff City site will soon follow. This season infrared illuminators for night viewing have been added, plus an additional camera with a different angle and improved streaming capabilities.
During the first nesting season of 2015-2016, a community of eagle watchers had front-row seats as two pairs of Bald Eagles each hatched one chick. They watched the chicks eat, grow, play and eventually fly during a 14-week period. Viewers saw a young Red-tailed Hawk visit the nest, observed parent eagles fight over where to place a stick and enjoyed the young eagles’ first unsteady flights.
The EagleCam project was begun in 2015 by the ETSU Department of Biological Sciences under the direction of Dr. Fred Alsop. People from more than 170 countries viewed the local Bald Eagles with well over 1.3 million total views logged between the two cameras.
Corporate sponsors and viewers supported the program financially and the Johnson City Power Board and Bristol Tennessee Essential Services provided technical support. Companies may become EagleCam sponsors and have the company logo displayed on the EagleCam homepage. For more information on sponsorship, contact Alsop at (423) 439-6838.
Visit the EagleCam website by searching for “eagle” on the ETSU homepage at etsu.edu or go to the Facebook page, “ETSU Eagle Cams,” or on LiveStream.com.