The Bucs are truly back!
One week into the fall 2021 semester, the campus of ETSU resembles days prior to the pandemic. Though numerous safety precautions are still in place, classrooms, residence halls, dining halls and the Basler Center for Physical Activity are bustling, and in-person activities and events are being held every day.
“Not only are we back in person, but we have grown as a campus community,” ETSU President Dr. Brian Noland said. “We anticipate that the number of new freshmen and transfer undergraduate students will be up by more than 200 students. In particular, our incoming freshman class is expected to have grown 10 percent over last year, and the average high school GPA in this class is 3.53.”
Noland added that the number of incoming out-of-state undergraduates is up this fall. Incoming out-of-state freshman enrollment is expected to increase by more than 50%, and the number of incoming transfer students is predicted to have nearly doubled.
The increase among freshmen and incoming transfer students paved the way for ETSU to have its largest class ever participate in last week’s Preview program, ETSU’s official welcome program for incoming students. The 2021 event drew some 1,600 registrants, which is a 57 percent increase from the second largest class.
Additionally, students returning to campus this fall are enjoying several new campus updates and upgrades, most notably the new University Commons plaza.
Masks are still required for students, faculty, staff and guests in most indoor settings, but classrooms, residence halls and all other campus units are operating at normal occupancy. ETSU continues to remind students, faculty and staff that the best way to help combat the COVID-19 pandemic and keep the campus community safe is to get vaccinated. Free COVID-19 vaccine clinics and testing will be available throughout the fall semester.