The Johnson City News & Neighbor has partnered with The Chamber of Commerce serving Johnson City, Jonesborough and Washington County to publish the exciting 100th Anniversary celebration keepsake edition, Centennial…100 Years of Success, coming in July.
The historic Centennial will highlight the Chamber’s history over the past 100 years and will be filled with photos of years past along with the people who have played important roles in the growth of our communities. This special high-quality edition will be inserted into 31,000 area homes in the July 8th edition of the News & Neighbor. Extra copies will be available to the Chamber, major sponsors and customers for distribution throughout the year.
Editorial and Advertising Promotion of Centennial
Historical stories and photos will be published in the News & Neighbor in a regular series prior to the July publication along with promotional advertising featuring major sponsors and celebration events.
You can download advertising and rate information here.